Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (2024)

Are you trying to pack a hospital bag for when it’s time for your baby to make their entrance? Are you worried you’re forgetting something?

Packing for labor and delivery isn’t always as straightforward as you think it might be. There is a lot to remember, and you don’t want to forget anything essential.

Between our team of moms, we’ve been in your position many times. We’ve got your back! We’ve collaborated to create this comprehensive list of everything you’ll want in your bag. We’ll also help you know when to pack that bag.

Check out our list to ensure you, your partner, and your baby will have everything you need on the big day.

Key Takeaways

  • Pack your hospital bag by the 32-week mark, including essentials for mom, partner, and baby.
  • For mom, pack items like insurance card, driver’s license, comfortable clothes, and postpartum care items.
  • For the partner, include snacks, money, a notepad and pen, and entertainment materials.
  • For baby, pack outfits, diapers, wet wipes, a car seat, and optional items like a blanket or hat.

Table of Contents

  • When To Pack
  • Where To Leave the Bag
  • Printable Hospital Bag Checklist PDF
  • Mom’s Hospital Bag Checklist
  • Mom’s Hospital Bag Checklist for Postpartum
  • Partner’s Hospital Bag Checklist
  • Baby’s Hospital Bag Checklist
  • FAQs

When To Pack

The last thing you want to do is start packing the second you feel those labor contractions. You’re bound to forget something because you or your partner, or both of you, will be panicking.

And because babies can sometimes arrive early, it’s a good idea to pack that bag well before your due date.

I had mine ready to go at my 32-week mark. I was hoping and praying I would make it full term, but I wanted to be prepared just in case. Fortunately, my baby came at the estimated time, and that bag sat in my bedroom for weeks until I needed it.

But knowing it was there, ready to go, helped me feel prepared and know I wouldn’t be scrambling and hastily throwing things in it last minute. We don’t have much control over things when we’re pregnant, but we can control how prepared we are!

Where To Leave the Bag

Many people leave their hospital bags at home, but it’s also not a bad idea to put your bag in the trunk of your car. That way, if you’re at work when the contractions hit, and you live far from the office, you can head straight to the hospital from work, and your bag will be with you.

But if you have other children, and you know you’re going to try to head home before you go to the hospital, keeping your bag at home may still be OK.

There’s no right or wrong answer here, but if your house is a good drive from the hospital, you may even want to take it with you every time you leave the house during your last month.

Printable Hospital Bag Checklist PDF

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Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (1)


Mom’s Hospital Bag Checklist


  • Insurance card and driver’s license: Even if you’ve pre-registered, you should have these with you.
  • Towel or garbage bag: Make sure you have one of these items in your bag for the car ride to the hospital. If your water breaks en route, you don’t want to have a big mess to clean up.
  • Slippers or socks: Hospitals are germy places, and you don’t want to walk barefoot on those floors (1). Slippers are the best choice because you may not want to do much bending over to put socks on. But if your feet get cold, you may want socks to wear around — just ensure they have a non-slip grip material on the bottom.
  • Phone: You’ll want to stay in touch with your relatives to give them updates on your progress. Plus, your phone may have some games that will help you with the slower parts of your labor.
  • Phone charger: You’ll probably be burning through the battery with all the texts and pictures you’ll have.
  • Camera: You’ll want high-quality images of your baby after birth. A phone might do the trick for some moms, but others prefer a camera.
  • Lip balm: Your lips might feel dry during labor, so you’ll want to have a lip balm with you to help combat that cracked feeling.
  • Hair clip or tie: If you have long hair, you may want it off your neck and out of your face. Labor is hard enough without little distractions.
  • Your birth plan: You should bring some extra copies of this. While the hospital may not be able to honor all your wishes, it’s still helpful for you to present.
  • Glasses: If you need help seeing clearly, you may want to skip the contacts while in the hospital and stick with your glasses. You may not have the time or energy for your contacts, and you don’t want to be stumbling all over your room. You’ll want that first glimpse of your baby to be crystal clear.


  • A tennis ball: This may sound weird, but you’ll find a tennis ball can be an effective massage tool to help you deal with labor pain. Ask your spouse to rub it on your back to see if it helps with the pain.
  • Crackers: Your doctor may not want you to have anything in your system if a C-section is needed. But pack some crackers just in case.
  • Crosswords or word searches: Having something to concentrate on during the long wait, especially when contractions are still spaced out a while, can really help.
  • Your favorite tunes: Music can help people deal with a lot of pain. It can get you through tough times. So if blasting Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger gets you through labor, we’re not going to judge you.
  • A diary: If you love keeping a journal, labor is an excellent time for that. Your baby will someday love reading about what you were thinking when you were bringing them into this world.

Mom’s Hospital Bag Checklist for Postpartum


  • Pads: The hospital will give you some, but you may want to have extras or your favorite kind on hand. For the first few days, you’ll need to go with the huge diaper-like overnight pads.
  • Deodorant: You might not shower for a while, and you’ll probably be sweating up a storm during labor.
  • Conditioner: Your hospital will have shampoo for you to use. But they don’t always have conditioner. If your hair is prone to tangling, this will be essential.
  • Old clothes: Sweatpants are a good choice, so a tight waistband doesn’t irritate you. It’s best to have short-sleeved T-shirts on hand so those blood pressure checks will be easier. If you plan on breastfeeding, you may want some button-up shirts that will give you easy access to your breasts.
  • Extra underwear:In case you have any leaks, bring some old underwear with you.
  • A hairbrush: You’ll want to look human again at some point, and a brush will help you with that.
  • Maternity or nursing bra: Your breasts will be sore postpartum, so you’ll want a comfy bra to see you through. If you’re attempting to breastfeed, a nursing bra is in order.
  • Breast pads: You might find you start leaking soon after delivery, so it’s helpful to have breast pads there to save your shirts.


  • Flip flops or slide-on shoes: While you can stroll around or out of the hospital wearing any kind of shoes you want, these kinds may be the most comfortable and easiest to put on. You can wear your flip flops into the shower to protect your feet from germs.
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush: The hospital will likely supply this, but it’s good to have on hand, just in case. That’s especially true if you like electric toothbrushes that do all the work for you.
  • Laptop: It can help you with entertainment or checking in with coworkers and friends to let them know how you fared during labor.
  • Nightgown: Hospital gowns are the worst. If you love comfort, throw an old nightgown in the mix.
  • Robe: This is another excellent option to include if you plan on breastfeeding. It will give you access and privacy at the same time so you don’t feel like you’re on display for the world.
  • A box of chocolates or gift bags for your nurses: You don’t have to do this, but your nurses will definitely appreciate the gesture. They’ll be taking care of you and your baby, so it can pay to be extra nice to them.
  • A memory book: When the hospital takes footprints of your baby, ask if they’ll be kind enough to put them in your baby book as well.
  • Makeup: Your focus will be on your baby, of course, but there will be a lot of pictures. And after all you’ve just been through, you might welcome a touch of makeup.
  • Lotion: If you tend to have dry skin or it’s the dead of winter, you might appreciate having a bottle of lotion.
  • Pillow: Pregnancy pains don’t vanish the second you have your baby. They can hang around for a while, so having your own pillow might make sleeping and recuperating easier.
  • Eye mask: It’s hard to sleep in hospitals, so you might want to catch some day naps.

Partner’s Hospital Bag Checklist


  • Snacks: You may not be able to eat, but your partner will want to. You’ll want to have some snacks on hand so they don’t have to leave you to find a vending machine.
  • Money: At some point, they’ll need to grab a meal or two while you are in the hospital, so don’t forget some money so they don’t have to worry about keeping track of debit transactions.
  • A notepad and pen: There’s going to be a lot of information you’ll both have to remember and take in. While some of that will be on your discharge papers, you’ll want to write it down too, in case those papers get lost in the shuffle. Your partner should be the go-to person for writing all this down — you’ve done your fair share already!
  • Empty bag: You’ll get some freebies from the hospital to take home. It can also hold all the paperwork you’ll have to cart back with you.


  • Reading material: There may be a lot of downtime for your partner throughout your hospital stay. They’ll want something to keep themselves entertained when you’re resting.

Baby’s Hospital Bag Checklist


  • Baby outfits: You’ve been daydreaming about seeing your baby in their cute little outfits, and now is your chance. Pack three outfits for your baby. You’ll only be at the hospital for a day or two, but your baby could have accidents in the outfits, so you’ll want a spare.
  • Diapers: The hospital will have diapers, but if you want to be completely prepared, bring a few of your own.
  • Wet wipes: These are a good idea to have on hand. While the hospital will likely have some for you to use for diaper changes, you can also use them for yourself. They can be refreshing when wiped on your face when you’re sweaty during labor, and you can use them to clean your hands after meals.
  • Car seat:When it comes time to check out, your baby will have to be strapped in a car seat for the ride home.
  • Baby nail clippers: You may have a little Freddy Krueger on your hands with knife-like claws. If so, you’ll want to clip those things before your baby scratches their perfect little face.


  • Blanket: The hospital will have a swaddling blanket to wrap your baby in, but you may want to have your own there, depending upon the season, so your baby will stay warm on the ride home from the hospital.
  • Hat: The hospital will likely provide one while you are there, but having your own is a good idea.
  • Gifts from your baby to your other children: You don’t have to do this, but kids love getting gifts when their parents come home after a trip. And if you tell them it’s from their newest sibling, they’ll be even more excited.
  • Pacifier: If you want your baby to have one, you may want to throw one in. But you may not want to introduce a pacifier yet if you plan to breastfeed (2).

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How Long Do You Stay In Hospital After Birth?

The length of stay in the hospital after birth is going to depend on the type of delivery and any complications. Typically, it’s about 24-48 hours for a vagin*l birth and 2-4 days for a cesarian section.

Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (4)

What Should I Wear to the Hospital For Labor?

Wear something that you think is comfortable and easy to remove to the hospital for labor, like a loose dress or a comfortable top and pants. Many women choose to wear the hospital gown provided for easy access and comfort. Also, bring comfortable clothes for after the birth.

What Should You Not Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Labor?

Do not pack valuables, excessive amounts of cash, or too many clothes or bulky items in your hospital bag for labor. Keep it simple with essentials like toiletries, comfortable clothing, baby gear, and any specific items your healthcare provider recommends.

Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (5)

Do I Need to Bring Formula to the Hospital?

You typically do not need to bring formula to the hospital, as they usually provide it if needed. However, if you have a specific brand or type you prefer, or if your baby has special dietary needs, you can bring it. Discuss feeding plans with your healthcare provider beforehand.

Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (6)

Do I Need to Bring My Breast Pump to the Hospital?

You might want to bring your breast pump to the hospital if you plan to use it immediately or if you’d like a lactation consultant to show you how to use it. However, hospitals often have pumps available for use during your stay.

Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (7)

How Much Colostrum Should You Bring to Hospital?

Most women do not need to bring colostrum to the hospital as it will be produced naturally after birth. However, if you’ve been advised to collect colostrum due to specific health conditions or a premature baby, consult with your healthcare provider on the amount to bring.

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Ultimate Pregnancy Hospital Bag Checklist: Free Printable (2024)


How many weeks should you prepare your hospital bag? ›

When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag? You should have your hospital bag ready to go between weeks 32 and 35 of your pregnancy, in case your baby comes a bit earlier than expected. A good time to start the packing process is around the 28 week mark, or at the start of your 3rd trimester.

How many baby outfits to pack in hospital bag? ›

For your baby:

Clothes: 3 x vests, 3 x babygros, cotton scratch mitts and a hat (most babies will wear a hat for the first 24 hours until they can maintain their temperature). An outfit to take your baby home in (appropriate to weather conditions). Blanket to cover your baby in a car seat.

What must you have in a mommy hospital bag? ›

Some hospitals and birth centers don't allow videotaping of the birth itself, but there's usually no rule against filming during labor or after the birth. Toiletries. Don't forget a toothbrush, toothpaste, and vision supplies (if you wear contacts or glasses). Comfortable shoes and a change of comfortable clothes.

Is 32 weeks too early to pack hospital bag? ›

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, having your hospital bag ready around 32 to 35 weeks is also an option. However, there is nothing wrong with having most of your bag packed as early as 28 weeks.

Which week is best for delivery? ›

Babies born too early may have more health problems at birth and later in life than babies born later. Being pregnant 39 weeks gives your baby's body all the time it needs to develop. Your baby needs 39 weeks in the womb because: Important organs, like your baby's brain, lungs and liver, need time to develop.

What will hospital give you after birth? ›

Most hospitals offer complimentary items like pads and non-slip socks for mom, as well as caps, shirts and swaddles, as mentioned above, for baby. These basics are all you'll need while focusing on caring for your post-birth body and newborn.

Do I need to bring breast pump to hospital? ›

Optional. Typically, women don't need to bring their breast pump to the hospital. However, if you are expecting to use your pump a lot (if you plan to pump exclusively, for example), then it may be useful to have the lactation nurses help get you comfortable using the device.

What to wear when giving birth? ›

2 nightdresses or pyjamas. comfortable day clothes which are loose-fitting (front-opening clothes are easy for breastfeeding) underwear, including large, close-fitting pants to hold maternity pads – you may find disposable pants useful for the first few days. a nursing bra.

Should I buy bottles before baby is born? ›

It will be best to have at least 8-10 bottles on hand before your baby is born. You will want to start with five-ounce bottles and then move to eight-ounce bottles until the baby is about four months old. Once the baby reaches four months, you will need to buy larger bottles to accommodate the child's growing appetite.

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Do this around 4-6 weeks before the baby is due. This is close enough to the date so that the clothes aren't sitting for months on end collecting dust. But it isn't too close to your due date when you should be focusing on rest and preparing for birth.

What does baby wear in hospital? ›

Surprisingly to some, you're not responsible for bringing outfits for your baby to wear during your hospital stay. Most hospitals prefer to dress babies simply, either in just a diaper and swaddled in a flannel blanket, or in a side-snap bodysuit or basic gown (all of these items will be provided for you).

How many outfits do I need for baby at hospital? ›

Pack two different outfits in different sizes because you don't know how big or small your baby will be! Aim for one outfit in newborn size and one 0-3 months. Don't forget hats and/or socks, if weather-appropriate, to keep baby warm. Your pediatrician's contact information.

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Diapers and wipes.

Most hospitals provide baby diapers and wipes during your stay, so it's a good idea to double-check with your hospital before packing your bag.

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Most new mums will bleed for up to 6 weeks after giving birth so Maternity Pads with wings for extra protection are recommended throughout this period. Maternity Pads will require changing as needed, or every 4 hours, so it's likely you'll need around 250 maternity pads over this period.

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It is a good idea to pack your bags 2-3 weeks before your baby's due date. If you are having complications in your pregnancy, or you are having multiples, you may want to pack your bag earlier. Having a bag for yourself and one for your baby helps you to find things more easily.

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Pack too soon and you've got a suitcase sitting in the corner gathering dust; too late and you're scrambling to find everything. Nina Spears, a birth doula, childbirth educator and founder of Baby Chick, recommends having your bags packed around week 35 and in the car by week 37 at the latest.

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It's a good idea to have your hospital bag packed and ready to go by the time you reach 36 weeks of pregnancy. This will give you plenty of time to double-check your checklist and make sure you have everything you need.

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The general guidelines suggest starting perineal massage at around week 35 of pregnancy and doing it a couple of times per week, right up to when the baby is born. The best time to massage your perineum is when you are relaxed and have time.

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.